Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises for Class 8 Pdf

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar. It refers to the grammatical relationship between the subject and the verb in a sentence. When the subject and verb agree in terms of number (singular or plural), the sentence is grammatically correct. Class 8 students must have a good understanding of subject-verb agreement to write coherent and effective sentences. Here, we have compiled a list of subject-verb agreement exercises for class 8 in PDF.

1. Identify the subject-verb agreement

In this exercise, students are given a list of sentences and asked to underline the subject and verb in each of them. The students must then determine whether the subject and verb are in agreement or not. For example,

Incorrect: The boys plays soccer every day.

Correct: The boys play soccer every day.

2. Match the subject with the correct verb

In this exercise, the students are given a list of subjects and verbs. They must match the correct verb with the corresponding subject and write a complete sentence. For example,

Subject: The dog (singular)

Verb: barks

Sentence: The dog barks at strangers.

Subject: The dogs (plural)

Verb: bark

Sentence: The dogs bark at strangers.

3. Choose the correct verb

In this exercise, the students are given a sentence with an underlined verb. They must choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject in terms of number and write the correct sentence. For example,

Incorrect: The students have to buys their own textbooks.

Correct: The students have to buy their own textbooks.

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb

In this exercise, the students are given a sentence with an incomplete verb. They must fill in the blank with the correct verb that agrees with the subject in terms of number and write the complete sentence. For example,

Incomplete: She (singular) _____ to school every day.

Complete: She goes to school every day.

Incomplete: They (plural) _____ to the park on weekends.

Complete: They go to the park on weekends.

5. Rewrite the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement

In this exercise, the students are given a sentence with incorrect subject-verb agreement. They must rewrite the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement. For example,

Incorrect: The books in the library is old.

Correct: The books in the library are old.

These subject-verb agreement exercises for class 8 PDF are an effective way for students to learn and practice their grammar skills. Practicing these exercises regularly will help them gain a better understanding of subject-verb agreement, which will enhance their writing and communication skills.